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해외직구 부가세환급 실패 ㅋㅋ


해외 직구 몰테일 배대지 이용하여 VAT 환급받기 위해 열심히 싸웠으나..

결국 실패하였습니다.

역시 우편비만 날림 ㅋㅋㅋ



아마존 독일에서 날아온 원문입니다.

Greetings from Amazon.de. 

I am truly sory that you did not receive the VAT-refund as requested. 

Please allow me to explain why the VAT cannot be refunded in case the goods are exported via a forwarder. 

In compliance with the Value Added Tax Act (VATA), VAT-exempt sales (or respectively the refund of the VAT) are allowed under very restrictive conditions only. 

In accordance with section 6 subsection 3a of the VATA, the sale of goods for non-corporate purposes is tax-exempt if and only if the buyer exports the goods in their personal luggage. 

The term ‘personal luggage’ was defined in written form by the Department of the Treasury on 28 May 2004 (Federal Tax Gazette I page 535 paragraphs 1.4) as follows: 

Export in passenger traffic is not given when the buyer ships the goods to a third party country via a forwarder, by railway, mail or any other freight carrier or when the buyer do not transport the goods to the third party country in their personal luggage but transports the goods, i.e. furniture or large household appliances, in an own or rented truck. 

This written communication has a binding effect on all German tax offices and therefore on the tax office responsible for Amazon as well. 

Consequently, the statutory conditions for a tax-exempt sale or a subsequent refund of the VAT are unfortunately not complied with in the case in hand. 

Therefore your documents have been sent back to your invoice adress by our VAT-specialists on April 7, 2015. 

I hope I could  be of assistance to you. If you have further questions, you are welcome to contact us again by replying to this e-mail.


sory ?? 엉 ?? sorry 라고 말하고 싶었던건가??

미안할짖을 왜 하냐구.. 으으으으으 !!!
